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Matilda excursion

On June 15th  we went to see Matilda at the Princess Theatre in Melbourne. One of our School Council members…

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Snowing at Glen Park

The 458 Spider’s unique hard top doesn’t deform because of the pressure field that builds up at high speeds either. Cabin space and comfort are actually improved thanks to the roof’s double curvature, an element made possible by its aluminium.

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Zayda earns Peak Achievement

Zayda earns BP Award We wish to congratulate our past student, Zayda Vandenberg, on her recent completion of the Girl…


Zayda elected school captain

Congratulations Zayda Zayda Vandenberg has just been elected as Ward Junior Arts Captain at Loreto College.  This is a huge…

Glen Park LOTE

Japanese LOTE class

This week in our Japanese LOTE class, the kids had a fantastic time making samurai hats.  They turned out great!…

Glen Park Italian

Learning Italian

One of our current PSTs (Lucy) learnt Italian at her secondary school and volunteered to share some of her expertise…